How to Setup a MetaMask Wallet

3 min readJan 7, 2022

You’re going to need a pen and paper and a secure place to store what you write down.

Go to to download the MetaMask wallet for your operating system / browser.

For this example, we’ll use Chrome.

Click “Install MetaMask for Chrome.”

In the Chrome web store, click “Add to Chrome.”

Click “Add Extension.”

Click “Create a Wallet.”

Click “No Thanks.”

Create a password.

Watch the video on securing your secret recovery phrase. Your secret recovery phrase is like a master key for your MetaMask wallet. You never share it with anyone, and you keep it secure or risk losing everything. This is the most important maxim: “Not your keys, not your coins.”

Reveal the secret words and write them down somewhere. Keep them secure. Guard them with your life.

Voilà! You now have your own MetaMask Wallet. Your wallet address is under “Account 1.” You can now receive Ethereum to this address, and send it to other addresses!

Side note: On the right of the address bar in Chrome browser, make sure to click on Extensions and pin MetaMask so it stays visible.

